Friday, 29 April 2011
Kenapa tajuk mati? kenapa kenapa kenapa? Please bagitahu kenapa tajuknya mati? haihh kay lupakann, senang ke mati tu? best ke mati tu? Rasa apa mati tu? macam coklat, oren or apple ke? Penah kita fikir pahala kita dah banyak mana nak fikir pasal mati? Nak duduk dalam NERAKA? dengannn dosaa yang berbukit setinggi bukit-bukit? ataupun nak duduk dalam SYURGA, yang kita tak tahuu nikmatt duduk dalam tuu macam mana, betapaaa indah nya SYURGA tuu, penah teringin nak mintak apa je dapat? Contoh, 'rasa nak makan BIG APPLE ahh' sapppppppppppppp, tadaaaaaaaaaa depan mata kau bendaala tuu, penahhh teringinn? penahhhhhhhhh? baru Allah bagi cubaan sikit dah sebut 'PLEASE CABUT NYAWA AKU' 'AKU NAK MATI SEKARANG JUGAK' 'AKU TAK TAHAN DAH NAK HIDUP DALAM DUNIA NIE' and blaa blaaa blaaaaa, kita kena tabah dengan ujian Allah dan sabar menghadapi ujiann Allah, Sabar itu kan separuh dalam imann. Dan perlu ke kita mengutuk sesama manusia? sedangkan kita semua sama. Ciptaan Allah S.W.T berdosaaa jika kita mengutuk ciptaan Allah, kau dah cukup bagus? dah cukup sempurna? well mulut orang kita tak boleh nak tutup, Kenapa kita selalu buat keputusan terburu-buru? kenapa kita tak penah nak fikir panjang dulu sebelum buat seseuatu, kenapaaaaaaa? Allah bagi kita akal fikiran untuk membezakan yang mana baik dan mana yang buruk, Hargai la ciptaan tuhann, gunakann akal kita untuk berfikir dengan lebih panjang dan matang, kalau kita tak gunakan akal fikiran yang Allah dah bagi, maknanyaa kita sama jee macam BINATANG, binatang tade akal, tak boleh nak fikir, tengok la apa yang binatang selalu buat, BERAK sepahh2, makann sepah2, nampakk tak kene mengene dia kat situ? haha kayy So fikir-fikir kann laaa, just nak bagi pendapat and pandangann tentang manusia2 zaman sekarang, haihhh Chow Lo Bete :DD
Sunday, 24 April 2011
New Leather Jackets :DD
First Of all, i wanna say thanks youu very much to my second Big Big Sister named Allia Syarmila Ali for the leather jacket. I do love it so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! First umi masuk bilik then cakap suruh teman angah amek bibik baruuu, time tuuu aku tenga membutaa lagii, mamai2 lagi, kene pekik je pagi2 ngn mak aku thennn tibaaa2 dia cakap, 'nah angah belikan kau jacket' SERIOUS SHIT aku terus bangunnn, mata terus segar pegi tengok jacket tuu, superbb gilaaaaaaaa, terbaik ahhh hahahahahaha happy gila dohhhh, aku pun tatau laa mimpi apa si panda uhh belikan aku jacket tuu, mahall kotttt, leather wehh, original leatherr. then try try terus berangannn apa sume hahahahaha aku terpk gak, aku nak pakai jacket nie nak kemane sehhhh -..-' biasaa laaa bp kannn, dress up lebih sikit cakap 'batu pahat je kott, perlu ke dress melebih segala tu' hahahahaha HELLOOOO WHO CARES? I love to be stylishhhhhhhhhh! camane la bp nak maju kalau macam tu je tanggapan org, kasii bukak sikitt ituu you all punya otak laa k, tahu la korg jeles kannn, tak reti nak ber-dressup, mehh sini aku ajar sikittt kasi korang pandai and celik untuk bergayaaa hahahahaha kay dah, TENGOKKK BAWAHH TUUU, TAAADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~
Cantikkkkkkkkkkk kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn? haha thanks ANGAH kbai <3
Saturday, 23 April 2011
The True Friend is like a.......
What the fuckin true friend is
1.A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
2.Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
3.In giving advice, seek to help, not please, your friend.
4.Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over.
5.A true friend knows the right time to praise, the right time to listen, and the right time to rebuke. She knows when to come and when to stay away. A true friend masters the art of timing.
6.There can be no friendship without confidence and no confidence without integrity.
7.A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.
8.So, to be a true friend, be with your friends in their dark moments. Be with them even if you need to let go your own convenience. It may be the most difficult tip of all, but it’s the mark of true friendship.
P/S : And i know who my friend is and my friend just know who I am is. please be like the eight of the list that i'm written above to be my friend, I JUST WANT A TRUE FRIEND and not a kind of HIPOKRIT or THE BAJED GOOD GOOD one gahhh i'm fuckin shit hate that! thank you :D
1.A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
2.Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
3.In giving advice, seek to help, not please, your friend.
4.Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over.
5.A true friend knows the right time to praise, the right time to listen, and the right time to rebuke. She knows when to come and when to stay away. A true friend masters the art of timing.
6.There can be no friendship without confidence and no confidence without integrity.
7.A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.
8.So, to be a true friend, be with your friends in their dark moments. Be with them even if you need to let go your own convenience. It may be the most difficult tip of all, but it’s the mark of true friendship.
P/S : And i know who my friend is and my friend just know who I am is. please be like the eight of the list that i'm written above to be my friend, I JUST WANT A TRUE FRIEND and not a kind of HIPOKRIT or THE BAJED GOOD GOOD one gahhh i'm fuckin shit hate that! thank you :D
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Kes mencuri di Kampung Istana -..-'
Serious shit aku cuak gila bila aku denga cite pasal nie, YA ALLAH LINDUNGILAH KELUARGA KAMI DARI MENJADI MANGSA KECURIAN YA ALLAH :( haihhh aku cite nie pun naik meremang la bulu kaki, tengkuk apa semua haihh fuckup! kenapa kenapa kenapa kenapa kenapa la kau nie manusia perlu jadi PENCURI? pegi la cari keje do amek rezeki yg halal, tak perlu nak mencuri curi bagai, kiteorg boleh bagi la kalau kau nak makanan ke apa ke tak cukup makan ke apa ke, tapi tak perlu sampai mencuri la bodoh sial anak haram betol la! harituu motor pakcik area kampung istana jugak la kene CURI kat MASJID KAMPUNG ISTANA pulak tu, ya allahhh whatt theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? memang tak la kau boleh hidup lama wehh, and macam2 lagi la kes mencuri kat KAMPUNG ISTANA nie, semakin berleluasa haihhhh, AYAH UMI sampai pesan kat aku nanti suruh tidur kunci pintu bilik apa semua, sebab aku kalau tidur memang suka tak tutup pintu sebab TAKUT, takut apa aku pun tatau hahahaha, CUAK bhaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! dah la tingkat atas tade sape, angah alep semua keje and belajar, tinggal la aku je, shit ahh! kalau mencuri tu bagi salam dulu apa ke tape la gak, nie main masuk jeeeeee, pasto agaknyaaa bawak pistol ke apa ke mampuss wehhhhhhhh, haihhhh hope sgt umah aku tak jadi mangsa kepada PENCURI2 SEKALIAN MAKHLUK NIE!! dah bye pencuri babi sial ANAK HARAM, dulu sekolah tak abis macam bullshit perangai, chow lo bete -......-'
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Act, aku dah lama tak demam, nie pun demam sikit, tapi aku dah rasa teruk jugak la, tapi aku watlek je, biasaa laa aku manusia biasa gak mesti ada datang penyakit kan haihhhh, aku rasa macam best la jugak demam nieee, and aku jenis tak makan ubat, maksud lain, TAK RETI makan ubat, haaaaaaaaaaaa nampak tak persamaan dia kat situu hahahahaha kay untuk membe2 aku yang aku SAYANGI, thanks la care pasal aku, suruh aku makan ubat, suruh aku minum air paip tak pasal2 hahahahaha, cite pasal AIR PAIP nie, ada la sorang pakcik si tempat mengadu aku nie cakap, dia cakap 'kau tayah la makan ubat2 nie, ikot je cara aku, kau minum je AIR PAIP,' aku cakap 'kauu gilaaaaa, aku tanak hahahaha' then dia cakap 'serious do, demam tu en virus, then air paip tu banyak clorine, gunanya air paip untuk matikan kuman' hahahaha aku gelak, ACT, aku tatau la betul ke tak, aku tak berani kot nak minum AIP PAIP, so nanti aku try laa hahahahaha KAY THAT'S ALL, Marilah kita sama-sama mendemamkan diri kita, SEKIANNNNNNNN HAHA XD
Sunday, 17 April 2011
The best dayy everr with my SBJ :D
Kay who SBJ? haha adelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! serious first time aku berjaya balik dgn hati yg tenang and happy, sebab selalu asal jumpa je mesti aku buat dia moody or whatsoever la kann, tapi semalam mmg best! THANKS SBJ CAUSE MAKE MY DAY BRIGHTER YESTERDAY! haha kelakaa kannn semalam SBJ? kau asek nak buat aku ketawa and jealous je haihhh. tapi tape, aku tahu kau gurauu je, saje nak kenekann akuu, tapi tak tekene pun kan? aku kan OPEN jee, even aku merajuk je kau tak pujuk, aku je pujuk eeeeeeeeeeee gerammmmmmmmmmm tapi tape, tu mmg cara kau, aku takesa sebab aku sayang kau wehh SBJ sengal haha. then time nak balik uhh kau cabar aku suruh jerit yg aku sayang kau kuat2 kat MK? whatttttttt theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? haha nasib baik aku pandai pujuk dia then dia takesa aku tabuat, aminnnnn dia tak marah haha kay sayang kau SBJ! muahhhhhhhhhhhhhh :*
haha nie la si SBJ gila otak biol wekkkk :PP
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Thank you so much friend (:
Hell yooooo wacap wacap hihi kay about the title kat atas tuu, aku nak say thanks sangattttt2 kat BABY KUNDEL and BABY TIEYAA sebab dgn usaha keras mereka menyiapkan blog aku nie, aku buat apa? mesti laa tengok je dorang buat, jadah dia aku nak buat satu apa aku tak paham pasal design2 blog nie hahahahaha KAY KORANG MEMANG SANGATT BAIK AND TERBAIK LA! haha wehh aku excited sgt sbb blog aku cantik kott hihi BABY KUNDEL buat sampai ngantok2 dahh ishhh sebesalah aku, hihi tapi tape, dia sayang aku, so tade hal kannn, HELL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! aku dah ada blog baruuuuu, NEW STORY NEW LIFEEE, chow lo bete :D
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